Samples are a blessing in disguise! Most hospitals, midwives and health visitors give away samples of certain baby creams and ointments, so next time you go for an appointment, don’t be afraid to ask - it’s likely they’ll be more than happy to help you out.
Having a baby is undoubtedly one of the most exciting milestones in your life! Whilst welcoming a new life into the world does take a lot of preparation and planning, it’s one of the most precious and rewarding things that you can do. We understand that it’s natural to feel nervous - all new Mums and Dads do! However, one of the main concerns that new parents have stressed to us, is budgeting for their little ones. Here at Metanium HQ, we are ready to calm your stresses and share our handy tips on how to save on your baby budget!
Get thrifty!
Finding decent baby gear on sites like eBay, Gumtree and Shpock is actually easier than you might think and it’s eco-friendly, too! With some clever browsing, you could potentially find the perfect car seat or that cute buggy that you had your heart set on, for half the retail price and close to home!
Bring and Take events
Ever heard of a Bring and Take event? Well if you haven’t, where have you been hiding? A Bring and Take is a type of event where you can take your old, grown-out-of baby clothes and trade them for ones that you currently need. These events are not only a great way to save a few pennies, but also a perfect way of meeting other mummies! Check out your local community for a Bring and Take event close by.
Online competitions
Look out for online competitions and giveaways! Short on Everyday Barrier Ointment or Everyday Easy Spray? Follow Metanium on Facebook and Instagram and you might be one of the lucky monthly winners!
Utilise samples
Samples are a blessing in disguise! Most hospitals, midwives and health visitors give away samples of certain baby creams and ointments, so next time you go for an appointment, don’t be afraid to ask - it’s likely they’ll be more than happy to help you out. Bulk buying items is a great way to save on costs. Keep an eye out for special deals and offers and make the most of them! When it comes to buying nappies or formula, there’s a simple rule to follow: the bigger the bulk, the better! The bigger the quantity you buy, the more you will save over the year.
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Metanium Nappy Rash Ointment is a medicine. Always read the label.